Optional : If you took ownership of a folder and also want to take ownership of the files and subfolders included in that folder as well, then in the Advanced Security Settings window check the Replace owner on subcontainers and objects option. Finally, hit OK in all open windows to change owner and save changes.

When the new account is entered in the textbox, you can click Check Names to see if the name you entered is valid or not (an error message will appear if it’s not valid). Then select the account of your choice from the list and click OK to enter it to the textbox. You can type the name yourself, but if you don’t know the exact name of the account, there’s an easy way to find it: click the Advanced button, and in the new window that opens select Find Now to display a list of all available accounts. The new window has a textbox at the bottom, in which you enter the name of the account you want to give ownership to (yours, in this case). In the Advanced Security Settings window, click on the Change link located next to the label of the current owner. In the Properties window, navigate to the Security tab and click the Advanced button. Step 2: Go to the Security Tab and Click ‘Advanced’ Then right-click on it and select Properties. Open File Explorer and locate the file or folder you want to take ownership of.

Taking Ownership of a File/Folder Manually Step 1: Go to Properties of the File/Folder